Monday, September 06, 2004


Progress Report

No time for knitting this weekend.

Last Friday, at 6.30am, our new garage turned up our our front naturestrip. What is it with delivery trucks that they always turn up at some god forsaken time of the morning? Anyway, the boy decided it was time to pull down the old garage, after much swearing, a couple of bandaids and several piles of timber later, it was down.

Since we moved in, a little over 3 months ago, all the junk has been busy breeding in various piles scattered throughout the backyard, with the addition of the garage bits & pieces our yard was seriously looking like a tip! So this weekend we ordered a 6m bin to get rid of it all. We filled it in four hours and although it's not quite junk yard anymore there is still more stuff get rid of!

Sunday was Fathers Day. Happy Fathers Day to all the Dads out there. So most of the day was spent running between the boy's and my parents house, there's got to be an easier way.

I did get a little knitting time in though. Here's an update as to where I'm at with Le Tie & Dye, the ribbing and half the decreases are done, we're powering along.

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Great share, thanks for posting
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