Tuesday, September 14, 2004


Hooray for Knitty

The new edition of Knitty is now online. Their designs are fantastic as usual but I especially like Blaze, I have put it on my looooooong list of things I want to make one day.
I have been a devotee of Knitty ever since I discovered them while trying to find a mitten pattern to make for my Boy, their Broadstreet Mittens fit the bill perfectly (though somehow they seem to have made their way into my winter coat pocket). Since then I've also made Fairway for my dad and ChildHood for my oldest neice.
Their articles are fantastic too I've referenced them for many tricky techniques, they just seem to explain things in such a simple and straightforward way.

In other knitting news Le Tie & Dye grows daily, I'm now up to the armhole shaping on the right front/back piece and speeding along nicely, so much so that I'm beginning to think next project. I've got some lovely Jo Sharp DK wool in my stash that's crying out to be used but I can't decide which pattern to commit it to, there's just too much to choose from, that's the problem with being a pattern junkie.

Hi Katie and congrats on your blog. I'm another s'n'b melbourne gal (although seldom get to meets and lately haven't been posting much..). Like the blocking board idea- very clever. I will have to make one for myself when I get close to completion on some of the many w.i.p. laying about my home. I also have just started a blog- clementineshoes.blogspot.com Come and visit!
Clementine (otherwise known ordinarily as Diana)
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